All maps and game text related to the World's Largest Dungeon are TM and Copyright AEG, 2004. All rights reserved. James Lorimor has written permission from AEG to host this information on his site. Republishing of this material without written authorization from Alderac Entertainment Group, is a violation of our copyright. In other words, feel free to share the information with friends, but don't post it everywhere and for goodness sake don't publish it at Kinko's(tm).
Here are the original maps in PDF form. Sorry, can't remember who did these.
Region A | Region B | Region C | Region D |
Region E | Region F | Region G | Region H |
Region I | Region J | Region K | Region L |
Region M | Region N (Part I) | Region N (Part II) | Region O |
Here are the player versions of the maps.
Special thanks to CrimsonScribe, Neil de Carteret and Just___Al for creating these images!!!
CrimsonScribe |
CrimsonScribe |
CrimsonScribe |
CrimsonScribe |
CrimsonScribe |
CrimsonScribe |
just___al |
just___al |
Neil de Carteret |
Neil de Carteret |
just___al |
Region L
Region M
Region N (Part I)
Region N (Part II)
Region O
Not all maps are completed. Will be added ASAP.
Additional Material
Section A |
A Monsters
These are additional monsters that have the Fiendish template added to them, alternatives to add flavor. |
More Region A Monsters
Some more Fiendish monsters to add. |
Another type of map for Region A
Richard Valle is a new contributor who has made this map. It's a jpg image of Region A that has information on where and how many monsters are in each room. He's also drawn in the sections as they are given in the book. He's working on a map that doesn't have the sections in it, but thought this one gave it a nice overview. |
Another type of map for Region A
Here is the same map as above, without the boundaries. |
Another type of map for Region A
Peter Ramos sent me this map of Region A that has all of the rooms displayed, even the secret rooms. It doesn't have the secret doors revealed, but will be useful to those who use a "fog of war" to remove bits of rooms at a time. |
Section B |
Another type of map for Region B Due to the positive responses on EnWorld, Richard has also done a map for section B. This one has all the monsters as well as the sections they are given in the book. |
Another type of map for Region B Here is the same map as above, without the boundaries. |
Another type of map for Region B Jason McDonald has created another type of map for Region B. |
Section C |
This is a new map of Section C by contributor Jason McDonald. |
Section E |
This is additional material from Lee Hammock, the original writer of Section E. This is some cut material, if you don't want a lot of empty rooms. |
More rooms, I assume from Lee Hammock. |
Another type of map for Region E Due to the positive responses on EnWorld, Richard has also done a map for section E. This one has all the monsters as well as the sections they are given in the book. |
Another type of map for Region E Here is the same map as above, without the boundaries. |
Section F |
This is a new map of Section F, also by contributor Jason McDonald. |
Section G |
This is a new map of Section G, also by contributor Jason McDonald. |
Section I |
This is a preview of an undead template that Jim Hague, the original writer of Section I, dreamed up but was cut from the original material. Steve "Quillion" Russell made the original template and Jim provided the picture of the monster. |
Travis Abbott sent me this map (2 years ago, sorry) so I thought I'd add it. |
WLD Maps for Virtual Tabletops (Roll20, Foundry, etc.) |
for these maps. |
Section A - Southwest
Map - Northwest
Map - Southeast
Map - Northeast
Map - Region
A Misc. |
Section B - Southwest
Map - Region
B Misc. |
Section E - Entire
Section - Northeast
Map - Northwest
Map - Southeast
Map - Southwest
Map - Center
Map |
Swing's Dungeon Alchemist maps for Roll20 |
There are text files for the specific regions so people using the subscriptions to Roll20 can use API for setting up the walls. The files are .rar files. |
General Info |
This is additional material from Neil de Carteret concerning an interesting way to handle "missing" players' characters. Neil has provided us with a local copy to download. |
Jim Zimmerman commented that he'd kept forgetting to apply encounter conditions, so he created this document. Hope you enjoy. |
Jason McDonald created a new document similar to the one above, except more compact. I converted it to a PDF, but it's his document. |
Pete Calvert sent me his map of the whole WLD, his take on the entire dungeon, pre the first earthquake. He said, "Note that the position of the Devil Vault *is* in the wrong location physically, but as it is not supposed to be reachable by normal physical means, that shouldn't matter. Also, I didn't close off the region to the east of the tomb, but that is easy enough to do if necessary." |
Jorge Gonzalez Martin sent me these images. He said "Hi I'm currently running the wld as a homebrew conversion just wanted to thank you for the maps and that other stuff we just finished the second 8hour session We had the area A map printed on a huge size over 12 sq meters." ![]() ![]() |
Just Because I can!!!
Since we don't have enough files and info, I'm including links to various blogs about the WLD
E-mail me if you'd like other files to be posted here.