Meanwhile, 10 miles east of town, a bachelor party was being held. We didn't have a camera there, which was probably a good thing. Ian, pictured above, taught us a new drinking game called "Spoof." A gallon of tequila and 10 cases of beer later, everyone headed back to town. A huge thank you to Jeff Lingg for providing the beer, and Ian for teaching us that stupid game. Right Brant? I would have liked to have gotten a picture of my old classmate, Shane Newsom, while he was in town. He's now living in Vegas and he'd contacted me about a month before the wedding. I invited him out and he came. It was good to see him again. Another big thanks goes out to Mark and Paul Lewis and Blue Chavarria for bringing out "the entertainment." I don't have a picture of her yet, but she's down in my basement, so I'll get one later......